Americommerce Help

There are no special requirements with using My.ShipRush with Americommerce, beyond needing a live Americommerce account.

To connect to Americommerce, you will need both an API Security Token and your Store Name.

The Store Name is your URL Subdomain. For example: If your website URL is, your store name is simply superwidgets – nothing else.

To generate an API Security Token, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Americommerce admin panel, and click the Tools option.
  2. Click ‘Apps & Addon’s’ from the top of the flyout menu.
  3. Click ‘API Apps & Integrations’ from the bottom of the list.
  4. Click ‘New’ in the upper right corner of the screen to add a new App.
  5. Fill out the App Name and Description. We suggest ShipRush for both, but you can fill in whatever you like. Hit next.
  6. On the next screen, Click ‘Select’ under Single Token Flow.
  7. Under the Select Token Scope screen, check the boxes for:
    • View Customer, User or profile data
    • View and CHange Order Data
  8. Click Save. On the final screen, copy the Access token provided into Notepad, then hit ‘Finish’.

Please see the pictures below for the step-by-step walkthrough!



